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1. Houston Astros 162 107 0 55 880 612 60 0 21 482 296 0.74 47 0 34 398 316 0.58 -160.6790123 0.66
2. Los Angeles Dodgers 162 105 1 56 858 612 59 0 22 441 271 0.73 46 1 34 417 341 0.57 -160.6975309 0.65
3. New York Yankees 162 102 0 60 894 706 57 0 24 439 300 0.70 45 0 36 455 406 0.56 -160.7407407 0.63
4. Minnesota Twins 162 101 0 61 872 711 46 0 35 428 382 0.57 55 0 26 444 329 0.68 -160.7530864 0.62
5. Atlanta Braves 162 97 0 65 835 701 50 0 31 425 339 0.62 47 0 34 410 362 0.58 -160.8024691 0.60
6. Oakland Athletics 162 96 1 65 773 660 52 0 29 402 315 0.64 44 1 36 371 345 0.55 -160.808642 0.60
7. Tampa Bay Rays 162 96 0 66 757 653 48 0 33 366 307 0.59 48 0 33 391 346 0.59 -160.8148148 0.59
8. Cleveland Indians 161 92 0 69 734 641 48 0 32 375 320 0.60 44 0 37 359 321 0.54 -158.8567901 0.57
9. Washington Nationals 162 92 1 69 827 706 50 0 31 440 372 0.62 42 1 38 387 334 0.52 -160.8580247 0.57
10. St. Louis Cardinals 162 91 0 71 738 650 50 0 31 388 294 0.62 41 0 40 350 356 0.51 -160.8765432 0.56
11. Milwaukee Brewers 162 89 0 73 757 752 49 0 32 376 356 0.60 40 0 41 381 396 0.49 -160.9012346 0.55
12. New York Mets 162 86 0 76 765 727 48 0 33 373 334 0.59 38 0 43 392 393 0.47 -160.9382716 0.53
13. Boston Red Sox 160 84 0 76 854 799 38 0 42 444 425 0.48 46 0 34 410 374 0.58 -158.95 0.53
14. Chicago Cubs 162 84 0 78 800 705 51 0 30 422 316 0.63 33 0 48 378 389 0.41 -160.962963 0.52
15. Arizona Diamondbacks 162 84 0 78 773 735 43 0 38 395 373 0.53 41 0 40 378 362 0.51 -160.962963 0.52
16. Philadelphia Phillies 162 81 1 80 753 748 45 1 35 396 351 0.56 36 0 45 357 397 0.44 -160.9938272 0.50
17. Texas Rangers 161 76 3 82 748 835 45 0 36 432 448 0.56 31 3 46 316 387 0.41 -161.0381944 0.48
18. San Francisco Giants 162 77 0 85 639 749 35 0 46 270 357 0.43 42 0 39 369 392 0.52 -161.0493827 0.48
19. Cincinnati Reds 162 75 0 87 682 689 41 0 40 348 359 0.51 34 0 47 334 330 0.42 -161.0740741 0.46
20. Los Angeles Angels 162 72 0 90 752 845 38 0 43 384 414 0.47 34 0 47 368 431 0.42 -161.1111111 0.44
21. Chicago White Sox 160 71 0 89 705 816 38 0 41 332 403 0.48 33 0 48 373 413 0.41 -157.1115799 0.44
22. Colorado Rockies 162 71 0 91 809 919 43 0 38 474 505 0.53 28 0 53 335 414 0.35 -161.1234568 0.44
23. San Diego Padres 162 70 0 92 662 764 36 0 45 311 357 0.44 34 0 47 351 407 0.42 -161.1358025 0.43
24. Pittsburgh Pirates 162 69 1 92 738 880 35 1 45 370 428 0.44 34 0 47 368 452 0.42 -161.1419753 0.43
25. Seattle Mariners 162 68 2 92 745 838 35 2 44 362 387 0.44 33 0 48 383 451 0.41 -161.1481481 0.43
26. Toronto Blue Jays 162 67 0 95 721 803 35 0 46 354 405 0.43 32 0 49 367 398 0.40 -161.1728395 0.41
27. Kansas City Royals 160 59 1 100 666 810 31 1 49 336 414 0.39 28 0 51 330 396 0.35 -161.2566807 0.37
28. Miami Marlins 162 57 1 104 610 787 30 1 50 321 394 0.38 27 0 54 289 393 0.33 -161.2901235 0.35
29. Baltimore Orioles 161 53 0 108 686 879 24 0 56 328 431 0.30 29 0 52 358 448 0.36 -159.3419753 0.33
30. Detroit Tigers 161 47 0 114 571 872 22 0 59 274 463 0.27 25 0 55 297 409 0.31 -161.4158951 0.29
Home matches HOME
1. Houston Astros 81 60 0 21 482 296 0.74
2. Los Angeles Dodgers 81 59 0 22 441 271 0.73
3. New York Yankees 81 57 0 24 439 300 0.70
4. Oakland Athletics 81 52 0 29 402 315 0.64
5. Chicago Cubs 81 51 0 30 422 316 0.63
6. Atlanta Braves 81 50 0 31 425 339 0.62
7. Washington Nationals 81 50 0 31 440 372 0.62
8. St. Louis Cardinals 81 50 0 31 388 294 0.62
9. Cleveland Indians 80 48 0 32 375 320 0.60
10. Milwaukee Brewers 81 49 0 32 376 356 0.60
11. Tampa Bay Rays 81 48 0 33 366 307 0.59
12. New York Mets 81 48 0 33 373 334 0.59
13. Minnesota Twins 81 46 0 35 428 382 0.57
14. Philadelphia Phillies 81 45 1 35 396 351 0.56
15. Texas Rangers 81 45 0 36 432 448 0.56
16. Arizona Diamondbacks 81 43 0 38 395 373 0.53
17. Colorado Rockies 81 43 0 38 474 505 0.53
18. Cincinnati Reds 81 41 0 40 348 359 0.51
19. Boston Red Sox 80 38 0 42 444 425 0.48
20. Chicago White Sox 79 38 0 41 332 403 0.48
21. Los Angeles Angels 81 38 0 43 384 414 0.47
22. Seattle Mariners 81 35 2 44 362 387 0.44
23. San Diego Padres 81 36 0 45 311 357 0.44
24. Pittsburgh Pirates 81 35 1 45 370 428 0.44
25. Toronto Blue Jays 81 35 0 46 354 405 0.43
26. San Francisco Giants 81 35 0 46 270 357 0.43
27. Kansas City Royals 81 31 1 49 336 414 0.39
28. Miami Marlins 81 30 1 50 321 394 0.38
29. Baltimore Orioles 80 24 0 56 328 431 0.30
30. Detroit Tigers 81 22 0 59 274 463 0.27
Away matches AWAY
1. Minnesota Twins 81 55 0 26 444 329 0.68
2. Tampa Bay Rays 81 48 0 33 391 346 0.59
3. Houston Astros 81 47 0 34 398 316 0.58
4. Atlanta Braves 81 47 0 34 410 362 0.58
5. Boston Red Sox 80 46 0 34 410 374 0.58
6. Los Angeles Dodgers 81 46 1 34 417 341 0.57
7. New York Yankees 81 45 0 36 455 406 0.56
8. Oakland Athletics 81 44 1 36 371 345 0.55
9. Cleveland Indians 81 44 0 37 359 321 0.54
10. Washington Nationals 81 42 1 38 387 334 0.52
11. San Francisco Giants 81 42 0 39 369 392 0.52
12. St. Louis Cardinals 81 41 0 40 350 356 0.51
13. Arizona Diamondbacks 81 41 0 40 378 362 0.51
14. Milwaukee Brewers 81 40 0 41 381 396 0.49
15. New York Mets 81 38 0 43 392 393 0.47
16. Philadelphia Phillies 81 36 0 45 357 397 0.44
17. Cincinnati Reds 81 34 0 47 334 330 0.42
18. Los Angeles Angels 81 34 0 47 368 431 0.42
19. San Diego Padres 81 34 0 47 351 407 0.42
20. Pittsburgh Pirates 81 34 0 47 368 452 0.42
21. Chicago Cubs 81 33 0 48 378 389 0.41
22. Texas Rangers 80 31 3 46 316 387 0.41
23. Seattle Mariners 81 33 0 48 383 451 0.41
24. Chicago White Sox 81 33 0 48 373 413 0.41
25. Toronto Blue Jays 81 32 0 49 367 398 0.40
26. Baltimore Orioles 81 29 0 52 358 448 0.36
27. Colorado Rockies 81 28 0 53 335 414 0.35
28. Kansas City Royals 79 28 0 51 330 396 0.35
29. Miami Marlins 81 27 0 54 289 393 0.33
30. Detroit Tigers 80 25 0 55 297 409 0.31

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